Above: The path down from the Monsal Trail to Ashford on a beautiful mid-May morning.

My plan for this walk between Monsal Head and Ashford-in-the-Water was to include a visit to the Iron Age settlement at Fin Cop, with it’s wonderful views across Monsal Dale. But it seems the land-owner has cut off access, which is a great shame.

Having said that, there’s not much to see apart from a few bumps and hollows in the ground which once formed part of the defensive ramparts. And the wonderful views from the footpath on the other side of the stone wall more than make up for any disappointment.

Above: Click the map to open in a new window.

Above: The last time I visited Fin Cop it was possible to cross into the field and explore what remains of the settlement. But it looks like there’s been some recent damage to the stone wall, and the farmer has blocked off any access.

The path along the outside of the wall to Fin Cop is quite narrow. I think the views are worth the effort, but it’s easy to shortcut this mile-long section by heading straight to Monsal Head from Ashford.

The route from Ashford is along the wonderfully named Pennyunk Lane. It’s a lovely path in spring and summer, but the last section can get quite muddy during winter months.

Refreshment options

There are lots of opportunities for refreshments, including a pub and tearoom at Monsal Head, as well as the Packhorse Inn in nearby Little Longstone. The Ashford Arms in Ashford has recently reopened, and the Bulls Head pub and Aisseford Tearoom are close by.

There’s plenty of paid-for parking at Monsal Head. And it’s often possible to find free on-street parking along the lane to Little Longstone. You could also start the walk from Ashford where’s there’s a small carpark with an honesty box, as well as on-street parking. Both Ashford and Monsal Head are on bus routes.

Click below for full step-by-step directions and photos of the walk.

A ‘Relive’ version of the walk. Click to play and use the expand option to view in full-screen. Click here for more Monsal Trail ‘Relives’.

Topic tags (click for similar posts): 2-4 mile walks | 5-7 mile walks | Ashford-in-the-Water | Historic sites | Monsal Head