Hassop Station to Bakewell

Hassop Station to Bakewell

Above: The view from Bakewell’s 14th century bridge over the Wye with the riverside path on the right. The weather’s been fairly grim this spring, so I thought I’d take advantage of a rare sunny day to record two shortish walks. First is a four-mile...
Bakewell Station

Bakewell Station

Above: 2F 0-6-0 no.58228 puffing hard alongside Bakewell’s northbound platform on 17th June 1958. The arrow shows where the photo was taken on a map dating back to the 1890s. Bakewell Station opened on 1st August 1862, some 13 years later than planned. The line...
Bakewell to Lathkill Dale

Bakewell to Lathkill Dale

Lathkill Dale is one of the most picturesque spots in the White Peak. The second walk in this series starts from the other end of the Trail to the first; at Bakewell Station. And at nearly 10 miles, it will also be one of the longest. The Trail ends just a short...