Brief history

Brief history

Above: The line boasted some marvels of Victorian engineering, including the impressive Headstone Viaduct across Monsal Dale which prompted Victorian artist and critic John Ruskin to complain… The valley is gone, and the Gods with it; and now, every fool in...
Bakewell Station

Bakewell Station

Above: 2F 0-6-0 no.58228 puffing hard alongside Bakewell’s northbound platform on 17th June 1958. The arrow shows where the photo was taken on a map dating back to the 1890s. Bakewell Station opened on 1st August 1862, some 13 years later than planned. The line...
Hassop Station

Hassop Station

Above: Hassop Station in its prime, taken from the southbound platform sometime around 1910. London Midland’s Ambergate to Buxton line reached what would become Hassop Station in 1862. Situated about a mile south of Hassop village, it became a temporary terminus...
Great Longstone Station

Great Longstone Station

Above: A train heading north towards Buxton/Manchester arriving at Great Longsone Station from Bakewell in the 1930s. Judging by the dress of the passengers, it could have been a Sunday or public holiday. Great Longstone Station opened on 1st June 1863. It was the...
Monsal Dale Station

Monsal Dale Station

Above: A train steams through Monsal Dale Station on its journey to Buxton and Manchester on this postcard view dated around 1910. The platform on the left was wooden and had to be supported by timber stilts as the ground fell away steeply on this side of the track....