Above: Entering into the wonderfully named Cunning Dale on the route between Buxton and King Sterndale (point 12 on the map below).

The biggest problem with the Monsal Trail is that it stops about three miles short of Buxton. The nearest road into town is the busy A6 beside Wyedale carpark, but there’s no pavement to protect walkers from the never-ending stream of cars and heavy lorries. And although cyclists do brave the traffic, it’s not something I’d recommend.

There has been talk about installing a light railway for walkers and cyclists from Blackwell Mill into Buxton along the existing freight line, but it seems a long way off (click for details). So when someone told me about a cross-country route they’d recently discovered, I decided  to try and follow it.

Above: Click the route map to enlarge in a new window.

Above: The path up the side of Deep Dale passes Thirst House Cave, named after a goblin who was said to live here. An excavation in the 1880s found a bear skull, as well as bronze jewellery, enamelled brooches, pottery fragments, coins and an iron and bone knife.

I’ve described the 9-mile route starting from Wyedale carpark, through Cowlow and Woo Dale into Buxton, with the return along Cunning Dale and over the A6 via the picturesque viillage of King Sterndale.

But you could just as easily start from Buxton, even returning along the same route to avoid a short stretch where the path is quite overgrown at point 14.

Steep slopes

There are a few steep but short slopes – across Deep Dale and also down the side of Topley Pike Quarry. But I’m not great with heights and didn’t find it difficult.

There used to be a path along Deep Dale – from points 21 to 24. But it’s been closed for some years to allow the quarry to remove waste and return the area to its natural state. It was due to reopen in 2025, but problems mean it could be quite a lot longer before the work is completed (click for details).

Click below for full step-by-step directions and photos.

A ‘Relive’ version of the walk. Click to play and use the expand option to view in full-screen. Click here for more Monsal Trail ‘Relives’.

Topic tags (click for similar posts): 8-10 mile walks | Buxton | Deep Dale | King Sterndale | Wyedale carpark